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Global Initiatives


As an organization that hopes to impact the international population, One World is constantly in outreach with the global community. In the past, we have worked in South India, Ecuador, and Morocco. While we hope to maintain and grow our relationships here, we are eager to expand our STEAM purview and find new initiatives that you can support!


New & Upcoming

HEALTH| 2023-2024

Nutritional Advocacy in India 

According to the UN, India contributes to one-third of the global burden of undernutrition. Access to clean, sanitary, and healthy food is limited for poorer populations and is scarce in certain regions. One of the reasons low-income parents will send their children to school is because of the free meals offered. Due to underfunding, however, some schools cannot afford partnerships with outsourced meals, and so they resort to cooking the meals themselves. One World believes that having access to quality nutrition can determine the overall health, mindset, and success of a student in school. 


Thus, we will work with an all-girls school in Chennai, India, where we have already increased technology access, to renovate their kitchen. Currently, they are operating with wood-burning stoves which increase pollution and are harmful to student health. By changing this space, we hope it will serve as 1) an area where meals can be adequately prepared and 2) a place where a nutritional curriculum can be implemented for high-school students. 


This project is a fundraising initiative, and we will need your help! In the long-term, we are hoping to partner with a local company that outsources prepackaged meals to lessen the burden on school administration. 



Expanding Resources for Children of Day-Laborers in Morocco 

Morocco is one of many countries that is facing an education crisis. The growth of private schools has only widened the social disparity between the upper-elite and the poor, who cannot afford the higher tuition. Public schools, therefore, are primarily under-resourced and overcrowded. A recent UNESCO report found that over 50% of children in Morocco  fail to acquire foundational math and reading skills.

Many day-laborer parents just struggle to keep their children in school  because of the increased burden of providing for their family. Hence, One World has decided to make education access in Morocco one of our global projects for this academic year. Logistics and more details will be coming soon! 

Success Projects 



Technology Access in India

Deep within the slums of Chennai, India, presides an all-girls, low-income school. A few of the board members from the One World team visited the school a few months ago and realized that the school had absolutely no access to technology. One World has a firm belief that technology should be available for all students to enhance their education and make learning more effective.


Over the past few years, and with the help of our donors (raised over $7000), we have transitioned over 80% of the classrooms in this school to a technologically-advanced learning environment. Students now have access to laptops, software, smart-boards, and projection systems for the school. Our hope is for these girls to learn in an environment that is as educationally advanced as some of their high-income counterparts, so that they can ultimately be prepared to enter the competitive STEAM workforce. 


Math Education in Ecuador

The gender disparity for girl's education in Ecuador is large, especially in rural areas, where the value on education and career paths is lower. This disparity only grew with the pandemic, which set back student's reading level and mathematical skillsets significantly. In fact, 71% of secondary education students in Ecuador may not be able to comprehend certain text (compared to 55% before the pandemic). 


One World collaborated with with Teachers2Teachers Global, an international organization whose mission "is to build quality math education programs through collaborative partnerships that drive greater social justice."  With them, we helped expand funding and resources for math enrichment programs for girls in rural Ecuador. 

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Fund This Work

Your support will help us make these global initiatives possible and reduce the achievement gap that is pervasive across the world.

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