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Join Us For 

The First Annual One World Gala

One World hosted its first annual gala on February 1st, 2020 to introduce its mission and vision to community leaders and potential future sponsors. This gala served as a great networking event for any STEAM activist.



February 1st, 2020 at 6:00 PM


The Edward L. Kelly Leadership Center (14715 Bristow Rd, City of Manassas, VA 20112)

Individual Ticket Price


Corporate Sponsorship Levels 

$500, $1000, $2500

"Service Through STEAM"

Throughout 2019, One World strived to make a profound impact on local and global communities. This past summer, One World held its first summer STEAM camp for 30 students at Neabsco Elementary School in Prince William County. Additionally, the One World team has been hard at work fundraising to provide technology resources to an all-girls school in a low-income area of Chennai, India. 


To  accomplish our vision of transforming the level of diversity in occupations relating to science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, we need your help to bring innovative STEAM education to racial and socio-economic minorities. This event will show our donors and supporters the work One World has accomplished so far. It will also demonstrate how future donors can contribute to our mission in the upcoming year. 


 If you are interested in attending this event, please register with the link above and we will be in touch with you soon!

Press Release

One World would like to thank our community of supporters for an amazingly successful fundraising gala on February 1, 2020 at the Kelly Leadership Center in Manassas VA. Our eminent and inspiring speakers included Congressman Gerry Conolly, Virginia‘s Secretary of Education Atif Qarni, PWCS Suerpintendent Dr. Steven Walts and Mrs. Julia Renberg, Supervisor of Science and Family Life Education, PWCS.  


We were also honored by the presence of many esteemed elected officials:

Ann Wheeler, Chair PWC Board of County Supervsiors,  Andrea Bailey , Supervisor Potomac District, Margaret Franklin Supervisor Woodbridge District. Also, the Honorable PWC School Board Members, Loree Williams, Woodbridge District,  Adele Jackson, Brentsville District, Lisa Zargarpur, Coles District, Jennifer Wall, Gainesville District,  and Chairman Dr. Babur Lateef. 


Our guests and supporters came from all walks of life and we were proud to have the support of great activists doing wonderful things around our community.


And a warm thank you to all our teachers and educators who came out to support us and who continue to inspire us to teach and engage!!!!


Finally, our event would not have been possible without our sponsors: Walmart Corporation, SPARK Educational Foundation, Cardinal Internal Medicine, Britto Orthodontics, Bastian Learning Center, C2 Educational Foundation and Advanced Ophthalmology. 

Gala Sponsors



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